The popular television show "Anupamaa" is currently gripping audiences with its captivating storyline. In an upcoming episode, a significant revelation will take place, as Anupama discloses a shocking truth during Anuj's birthday celebration.
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Anuj, however, finds it hard to accept that Malti Devi could be his real mother. The show has been consistently topping the BARC ratings, making it a must-watch for fans.
Malti Devi's Memory Loss
In the coming show, Anupama will come during Anuj's birthday celebrations. He will claim the truth that Malti Devi could be his true mother, and he will be unable to believe that.
The show is currently dominating the television screens. The show is performing extremely well and is currently topping every week's BARC ratings.
Anupama's Discovery
Today, the show's theme is an intriguing storyline, in which Malti Devi is unable to remember her name and she lives in the Kapadia home. Soon, Anuj's mother's story is coming out.
In the episode that preceded it we've seen the process by which Anupama is brought to an orphanage in which Anuj was born, and grew up. That's when she discovers the truth about Malti Devi is actually his mother. She is thrilled and has to reveal this to him.
Anuj's Reaction
Today, the show's theme is an interesting storyline. Malti Devi has lost her memory, and she lives in the Kapadia home. Soon, the story of Anuj's mother will be revealed.
In the last episode we've seen the way Anupama arrives at the orphanage in which Anuj was born as well as raised up. It's then that she discovers she is Malti Devi is actually his mother. She is thrilled and has to reveal the truth to him.\
Family's Shock
In the coming Episode, Anupama will finally tell the truth to Anuj about Malti Devi being his mother. He was upset when she had brought her to the celebration of his birthday.
This is when she would inform the boy that Malti Devi was his mother, who gave birth to him. She then left the child with his father, who placed him in an orphanage.
Anuj and his family are shocked to learn this fact and don't know how to respond.
Anuj is refusing to recognize Malti Devi for his Mother due to the struggle he's had since his childhood.
It will be interesting to find out what changes will take place from Anupama and Anuj's lives post this news.
How do you feel is going to take place in the next episode?
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